✔️ Information reviewed and updated in April 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

In this section we will tell you if we consider that the company GTR Academy is a safe company or an untrustworthy company. Read our full analysis to find out everything!

We analyze the website, observe every detail and examine the main characteristics that are taken into account when choosing a good broker such as the location, the company to which it belongs, its regulation, its reputation...

Below we will show you essential information about GTR Academy and we will tell you why we reached such a conclusion:

Basic Information

🌐 Websitegtr.academy
🏠 CompanyGTR Academy
RegulatoryNot regulated (Not applicable)
📧 EmailDoes not own (contact from their social networks)
📈 LeadingOwn platform
📌 DirectionUnknown
🕑 Website ageWebsite registered on: April 18, 2021
Company typeOnline investment academy

Company: GTR Academy does not mention which company it belongs to. Be very careful, we noticed a clear lack of transparency.

Location: GTR Academy does not mention where it is located, trusting a company that does not mention where it is located is very dangerous, please be careful.

We can already tell you that we are concerned about several characteristics of this company.

What is GTR Academy?

After having carried out an analysis of the company's website, we can say that GTR Academy is an online investment academy, which covers various options such as trading, the metaverse, the use of cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, among others.

Account types

GTR Academy offers 2 different account types:

GTR Basic$159/month
GTR VIP$249/month

Information on the web

GTR website

Here we show you a screenshot of the GTR Academy website, which is gtr.academy. The capture was made in November of 2023.

Contact: phone numbers and email

After having performed an analysis of the website:

This company does not provide any contact details; No email or phone number. What does this mean? That a company does not provide contact information is a very bad sign. Imagine that you have a problem or complaint and you have no way to contact them. It sounds really bad, doesn't it?

🚫 Final evaluation of GTR Academy 🚫

As you can see, we have carried out a detailed and complete analysis of the most important characteristics of GTR Academy and we have reached the following conclusions about this company:

Location: It is not mentioned where it is located.

The company has pyramid characteristics, please be careful.

The company also does not mention any means of contact; If you need to contact them for an emergency, how will you do it? Please be careful.

This company does not mention which company it is part of, please be careful, there is a clear lack of seriousness and transparency.

GTR Academy Warning: Lack of Transparency and Signs of Pyramid System

When considering participation in GTR Academy, it is crucial to highlight the lack of transparency in essential aspects. The omission of terms and conditions of use, as well as a privacy policy, raises significant concerns about the security of the data provided. Transparency in the management of sensitive information is essential, and the absence of these basic elements could expose participants to unnecessary risks.

Additionally, there are indications supported by comments denouncing possible pyramid system practices, which raises red flags around the integrity of the course. Data subjects are advised to exercise extra caution and look for courses that offer a clear ethical framework and specific details on how personal data is handled. Investing in financial knowledge must go hand in hand with protecting the privacy and integrity of educational content.

🚨🚨 Conclusion: for the reasons mentioned our conclusion is that it is a very unserious and very unsafe company. Please think carefully if you want to send money to a company with these characteristics. 🚨🚨

GTR Academy video review


News about GTR Academy:

Date Update – news
-No news at the moment

User Reviews

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What is your opinion? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote. You can also leave a comment about your experience with GTR Academy.

At the end of the review you will find customer comments.

How to Claim Money Scammed by GTR Academy

If what you want is to know how to claim your capital, if you have been scammed, further down in the FAQ section you can find our advice.

How to Report GTR Academy

If you feel dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, and for some reason you want to report it, below, in the FAQ section, you can find the best way to report this company.


Are there (recommended) alternatives to GTR Academy?

Yes, of course there are better and safer options! You can see here the brokers we recommend: ranking of the best brokers.

How can I report GTR Academy?

This depends on where you are, you should go to the financial regulator in your country. Write us a comment on this review and we will help you.

Is GTR Academy trustworthy?

No. GTR Academy is not reliable, it is a very unsafe company: 1) Does not mention information about its location 2) The site is relatively new, which can be dangerous due to lack of experience 3) the company has pyramidal characteristics

How to recover money from GTR Academy?

If you want to know how to recover your capital, you can see it here. We explain in detail the process of recovering money from a scam company, step by step.

About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

48 comments on «GTR Academy: Opinion and comments – Is it a scam?»

  1. Melina Reply

    An acquaintance is super meditating on that, I don't know my guest because in his WhatsApp statuses he uploads information about the people who join his team, they charge them $3000 to enroll in their damned academy and $5000 if they want something more VIP according to tomorrow they will have a free class with one of the Co-founder Saúl Zavala. . What a horror that they continue to scam so many people and even worse that nothing can be done????

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Melina, thank you for your comment about GTR Academy. This broker is considered a SCAM. We suggest NOT sending money, they lie to rob you, the operations are fictitious, the money is never crossed with the market, they simulate it and in the end they mark you and say that you lost everything and they keep it.

      If when you request a withdrawal, they ask you for more money to pay commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never do it! It is a clear warning that you are a client of a fraud broker and even if you pay, they will never return your money.

      All the information you provide about the company will help those affected by this broker, explain in detail how everything happened, what advertising you saw, the name of your advisor, numbers, emails from which you have been contacted, etc.

      To recover your money talk to our CHAT or click on this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  2. Jose Reply

    GTR Academy What can I say about them, it all started in a company called Perso Hybrid Bank, where a certain Jocsan Perso (Perez Soto) opened a pyramid in which I entered and paid dearly for the consequences, well-known people entered today, such as Saúl Zavala , who amassed millions in that company scamming people asking for money that was supposedly going to enter financial services obviously did not exist since he once confessed to me, that he did not invest in anything, people like Valeria Aguilar, Carlos Valenzuela, etc., came out etc, there they were all and there they met, when "PERSO" fell they looked for the option of merging with a company called "FREQUENCYY" which was there for more than a year, it had the same operation as GTR, it was an academy of Spanish origin, and when They saw that they could get more juice Pit together with all of them they created GTR Academy which of course is a scam first hand I know many of them tell you, because you are not signing and they are so shameless that they pre Mian, the one who signs the most or scams the most people, they manipulate the profits that they supposedly earn firsthand, I know it since they teach you how to manipulate the images, they borrow screenshots, they make you feel guilty, yes. You don't win, that's a sect. I don't blame the people who enter because coaching comes hand in hand with the business and they are so good at talking and they have so much work to convince you that you believe them, they brainwash you, to the point that you change your essence As a person, it happened to me, and I know them all very well, they are capable of anything for money, of betraying or lying, I met people who even lost their lives in previous businesses because of that, they don't care that they don't win, they'll never see results of your partners, only theirs, if you are going to mention GTR Academy start by investigating Perso hybrid bank or perso holding ya jocsan perso that's where that cancer called GTR comes from

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Jose, EXCELLENT INFORMATION!!! Do you know where their real offices are located, in what direction are they? Thank you for your comment about GTR Academy. This broker is considered a SCAM. We suggest NOT sending money, they lie to rob you, the operations are fictitious, the money is never crossed with the market, they simulate it and in the end they mark you and say that you lost everything and they keep it.

      If when you request a withdrawal, they ask you for more money to pay commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never do it! It is a clear warning that you are a client of a fraud broker and even if you pay, they will never return your money.

      All the information you provide about the company will help those affected by this broker, explain in detail how everything happened, what advertising you saw, the name of your advisor, numbers, emails from which you have been contacted, etc.

      To recover your money talk to our CHAT or click on this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  3. Luisa Reply

    Hello, in my house a boy invited me to be there, he earned money easily, trips, luxuries, etc., I did not want him, he was in it more or less 10 days ago, you generate income per month, I did not want to enter, please, there are several Instagram accounts, many tiktok wkai, please us more compulsive liars scammers who keep your money we don't kill working.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Luisa, thank you for your comment about GTR Academy. This broker is considered a SCAM. We suggest NOT sending money, they lie to steal from you, the operations are fictitious, the money is never crossed with the market, they simulate it and in the end they mark you and say that you lost everything and they keep it.

      If when you request a withdrawal, they ask you for more money to pay commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never do it! It is a clear warning that you are a client of a fraud broker and even if you pay, they will never return your money.

      All the information you provide about the company will help those affected by this broker, explain in detail how everything happened, what advertising you saw, the name of your advisor, numbers, emails from which you have been contacted, etc.

      To recover your money talk to our CHAT or click on this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  4. Luisa Reply

    I'll tell you about my case I met several accounts on Instagram boy he invited me he told me you can have luxurious trips, whatever you want a week ago he was in it, I didn't want to go in he left me I'm sorry I totally changed everything in everything they show photos money silver you have to work hours from your home several accounts on Instagram many kwai, and til tok I don't know where else that happened to me.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Luisa, thank you for your comment about GTR Academy. This broker is considered a SCAM. We suggest NOT sending money, they lie to steal from you, the operations are fictitious, the money is never crossed with the market, they simulate it and in the end they mark you and say that you lost everything and they keep it.

      If when you request a withdrawal, they ask you for more money to pay commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never do it! It is a clear warning that you are a client of a fraud broker and even if you pay, they will never return your money.

      All the information you provide about the company will help those affected by this broker, explain in detail how everything happened, what advertising you saw, the name of your advisor, numbers, emails from which you have been contacted, etc.

      To recover your money talk to our CHAT or click on this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


    • Luisa Reply

      Hello, I did not want to enter but there are many instagrams, please think about what your family would say if you are over 18, they say a lot of things, they upload videos of silver, money, please do not accept, it is a lie, that is a joke, they brainwash you, I mean, so you can enter, but you do not earn anything, no, they are going to stay in the street it's the same pyramid I lost someone don't fall please don't enter. I have data from many people looking for GtR they are bandit scammers who keep your money.

  5. Coral Aviles Reply


    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Coral Aviles, thank you for your comment about GTR Academy. This broker is considered a SCAM. We suggest NOT sending money, they lie to steal from you, the operations are fictitious, the money is never crossed with the market, they simulate it and in the end they mark you and say that you lost everything and they keep it.

      If when you request a withdrawal, they ask you for more money to pay commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never do it! It is a clear warning that you are a client of a fraud broker and even if you pay, they will never return your money.

      All the information you provide about the company will help those affected by this broker, explain in detail how everything happened, what advertising you saw, the name of your advisor, numbers, emails from which you have been contacted, etc.

      To recover your money talk to our CHAT or click on this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


    • Luisa Reply

      Please don't come in, it's your money, they keep screwing me in, I don't come in, I'm Argentine, it's never good, don't fall for scams that many people manage to read this, don't fall, they are on instagram, tik tok, many apps, don't get carried away, silver videos, luxuries, etc. fall brainwashing please they will not give you anything. Good luck I hope they help or look for face scam gtr zabala famous pit they keep your money do not fall

  6. Leandro Reply

    Phone: 9622361591 from Frank leal.
    From Tapachula Chiapas.
    [email protected]
    Here is a broker you can check. He has sent me 10 mjes a day to enter his business.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Leandro, don't listen to them, they are manipulators and they will try to convince you. Thank you for commenting on GTR Academy. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money in the market, they just make it look and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


      • Jose

        GTR Academy What can I say about them, it all started in a company called Perso Hybrid Bank, where a certain Jocsan Perso (Perez Soto) opened a pyramid in which I entered and paid dearly for the consequences, well-known people entered today, such as Saúl Zavala , who amassed millions in that company scamming people asking for money that was supposedly going to enter financial services obviously did not exist since he once confessed to me, that he did not invest in anything, people like Valeria Aguilar, Carlos Valenzuela, etc., came out etc, there they were all and there they met, when "PERSO" fell they looked for the option of merging with a company called "FREQUENCYY" which was there for more than a year, it had the same operation as GTR, it was an academy of Spanish origin, and when They saw that they could get more juice Pit together with all of them they created GTR Academy which of course is a scam first hand I know many of them tell you, because you are not signing and they are so shameless that they pre Mian, the one who signs the most or scams the most people, they manipulate the profits that they supposedly earn firsthand, I know it since they teach you how to manipulate the images, they borrow screenshots, they make you feel guilty, yes. You don't win, that's a sect. I don't blame the people who enter because coaching comes hand in hand with the business and they are so good at talking and they have so much work to convince you that you believe them, they brainwash you, to the point that you change your essence As a person, it happened to me, and I know them all very well, they are capable of anything for money, of betraying or lying, I met people who even lost their lives in previous businesses because of that, they don't care that they don't win, they'll never see results of your partners, only theirs, if you are going to mention GTR Academy start by investigating Perso hybrid bank or perso holding ya jocsan perso that's where that cancer called GTR comes from

      • Recommended-brokers.com

        Hi Jose, EXCELLENT INFORMATION!!! Do you know where their real offices are located, in what direction are they? Thank you for your comment about GTR Academy. This broker is considered a SCAM. We suggest NOT sending money, they lie to rob you, the operations are fictitious, the money is never crossed with the market, they simulate it and in the end they mark you and say that you lost everything and they keep it.

        If when you request a withdrawal, they ask you for more money to pay commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never do it! It is a clear warning that you are a client of a fraud broker and even if you pay, they will never return your money.

        All the information you provide about the company will help those affected by this broker, explain in detail how everything happened, what advertising you saw, the name of your advisor, numbers, emails from which you have been contacted, etc.

        To recover your money talk to our CHAT or click on this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


    • Alexis Reply

      Gtr academy is a scam!!!! Don't be fooled!! Do not fall !!!

  7. Aly's Reply

    I was followed by a girl who says and advertises on instagram for GTR academy and even uploads stories and tiktoks about them investing, her account is called n IG ivonnerodriguez.7!!! Help report the scam

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Aly's, thanks for commenting on GTR Academy. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money in the market, they just make it look and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


    • Cami Reply

      I would like to ask you something because they also told me to enter the academy and to pass the money in the name of that girl Ivonne Rodríguez

      • Recommended-brokers.com

        Hi Cami, don't even think of doing that.


    • Luisa Reply

      Please don't come in, it's your money, they keep screwing me in, I don't come in, I'm Argentine, it's never good, don't fall for scams that many people manage to read this, don't fall, they are on instagram, tik tok, many apps, don't get carried away, silver videos, luxuries, etc. fall brainwashing please they will not give you anything. Good luck I hope they help or look for face scam gtr zabala famous pit they keep your money do not fall

  8. andrea martinez Reply

    Hello what can I say. I don't recommend it, it's a bunch of scammers, first they paint it nice and then they abandon you out of nowhere and the truth is I want to get it back I don't want to talk about my ex-partner but it's not, then you ask them and they tell you I don't know so if I help to recover I thank you very much

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Andrea, thanks for commenting on GTR Academy. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money in the market, they just make it look and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  9. Hope Suarez Reply

    I was able to recover my capital from these scammers thanks for helping me

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Esperanza Suárez, Great!!!, thank you very much for notifying us, we are very happy that you have achieved it, now be careful if you invest again, check the brokers before trusting one, here we have almost all of them, you can read your review.

      For others who want to get their money back, they should try to talk to our chat or click on this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU

      Greetings and good luck.

  10. Pauline of the Source Reply


    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Paulino de La Fuente, thank you for commenting on GTR Academy. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


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