✔️ Information reviewed and updated in April 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

Just2Trade comments

In this section we will analyze the broker Just2Trade (also called just2trade.online), is a Forex, Cryptocurrency, Futures and CFD broker. Is Just2Trade really recommended for making an investment? Or is it better not to invest with this company? ⛔ Is it a safe broker? Is a gotcha? We will help you determine it. ✅

You might be wondering why we review Just2Trade. It is because we have received some messages from clients asking about the company, and we like to think that our reviews page helps investors, by providing key information about the company, we disclose information that every investor should know before leaning or not, for Invest with an investment company.

We carry out this review and assessment, due to the fact that we receive different messages and comments asking about the reliability of the company in question.Are you a representative of this company? Leave a comment responding to customer concerns.

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We carry out this review and assessment, due to the fact that we receive different messages and comments asking about the reliability of the company in question.Are you a representative of this company? Leave a comment responding to customer concerns.

Essential information: Who does it belong to? Where is located? Is it a regulated broker?

✅ The broker mentions being part of: Just2Trade Online Ltd.

✅ Regarding its location, the broker mentions being based in: Cyprus.

✅ If we analyze regulation of the broker, it mentions being regulated by CySEC.

📌 Remember: the best (and safest) option are regulated brokersas they must meet very strict requirements. Work with an unregulated broker it is very risky. 📌

Now we go on to analyze the account types offered Just2Trade, in this case, we did not find information that indicates the existence of different types of account.

Las platforms to operate that Just2Trade offers are: platforms MT4, MT5, CQG, ROX, J2TX y Sterling Trader Pro.

We will now analyze the different resources and aids for traders that Just2Trade provides on its website. We believe that the resources and help provided on the website can be a great point in favor of the broker.

Just2Trade website
Just2Trade website

Just2Trade provides the following aids or resources to traders or interested parties: news, various analyzes, economic calendar, explanation of important concepts, information about the services it offers, really not much more than this.

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| Other information about Just2Trade |

Some more information in case you want to contact the company, or see its website for yourself.

Website: just2trade.online | j2t.com

Telephone+357 25 030 442

Email: [email protected]

>>> Assessment on Just2Trade <<

Ending with this section, in our opinion Do we believe that the company Just2Trade is trustworthy? Should you invest your money with the company?

After analyzing it, we recommend taking caution, since it is a broker that, despite being regulated, is located in one of the most insecure countries for these activities, in addition, when looking for reviews about Just2Trade we find many that are negative and have fun on this broker. We suggest using caution.

We always recommend working only with properly regulated companies, isn't it better to have the protection of a good regulator? Is it worth the risk if there are much safer options to invest?

You have to understand that one of the few measures that really ensure the clients' money is the regulation of the broker, that is, it is probably the most important thing in any broker; THAT IT HAS A GOOD REGULATION, DO NOT BE FOOLED. Good regulation means that there is an authority to which, in case of misunderstandings or problems, customers can complain.

What is your opinion? Have you traded with this broker? Are you a customer? Do you think our opinion is not correct? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote, you can also leave a comment on our website with your experience if you are a client of the broker.

We leave a vote open so that traders, clients and users of the broker can vote.

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About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

4 comments on «Just2Trade: Rating and Comments»

  1. Damian Reply

    j2t.com to totalna katastrofa, mają wszędzie reklamy, jacy to oni nie są zajębiści, a tak naprawdę to jedynie kradną i nic więcej, naprawdę warto uważać, bo puszczają bajki jak mało kto, mnie niestety na te bajki złapali, dałam się podejść, a czemu, ano temu że dostałam o dnich kilkaset zł w dwóch przelewach z wypłaty, jak chciałam się przekonać czy faktycznie można tu zarobić uczciwie, czytałam o innych platformach które okazały się scamem, a ci nie dość że mówili po polsku to jeszcze wypłacali kasę, więc czemu nie miałabym zaufać, a złych wiadomości o nich nie znajdywałam.
    no i się zaczęło, 6 tygodni wpłacania, inwestowania, świetnych kontraktów, kilka sygnałów od brokera z którymi mozna było dorobić się nawet 300% zysku, no i to się działo. aż nastąpił przełom ale z ich strony w święta, po 2 dniu świąt, gdzie byłam nieobecna przez 2 dni, moje konto z plus 110 tyś usd, zrobiło się minus 10 tyś usd. a jak , no tak że oni coś namotali, że to niby ja potwierałąm pozycje innaczej niż było ustalone, a wiem że nie bo z wszystkiego co robiłam, miałam nagrania z pulpitu, posprawdzałam to i wszystko było inaczej niż zanzacza łam i zlecałam. wysłałam oczywiście skargę i reklamację ale odrzucili, stwierdzili że nagrania są nieprawdziwe – a po prostu mnie okradli i teraz siebie chronią !!! nagrania z platformy, nagrania z rozmów wszystko wysłałam prawniczce. Mam masę dowodów na ich oszustwa… Wiem że są porejestrowani i mają certyfikaty ale to nie zmienia faktu, że wybiórczo OKŁAMUJĄ I OKRADAJĄ KLIENTÓW
    Nie wiem gdzie trzymałam w soie całe życie to szczęscie ale znalazło mnie w idealnym momentie
    kiedy po walce z wiatrakami spadła mi z niba kancelaria z Trójmiasta gdzie pracują cudowni ludzie walczący i pomagający ludziom z fałszywymi brokerami jużwiele lat więc mam pewność że odzysakm każdy grosz. Zostawiam nr do kancelarii – 503 122 196
    PRAWNIK WIE, PROKURATORA WIE, SĄD WIE – J2t.io już wie, że będzie oddawać WSZYSTKIE moje pieniądze

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Damian, thank you for writing about BitFx Pro. This broker is currently considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not invest more money, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually and keep the money from the moment it reaches their accounts, it never enters the market, everything is prepared so that they make you lose your money to have the excuse of keeping it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they ask you for a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it!, that is the alert, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and even if you pay they will never return it to you.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  2. Isabel Reply

    I have been scammed and they do not want to give me my money, how can I get it back? Thanks

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hi Isabel, thank you for sharing your experience with Just2Trade. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it. They always try to manipulate you, they will not return your money, neither the initial one nor if you send them later you will not see it anymore, try to claim through our chat.
      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


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