✔️ Information reviewed and updated in September 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

In this section we will tell you if we consider that the company KORTANA is a safe company or an unreliable company. Read our full analysis to find out everything!

We analyze the website, observe every detail and examine the main characteristics that are taken into account when choosing a good broker such as the location, the company to which it belongs, its regulation, its reputation...

Below we will show you essential information about KORTANA and we will tell you why we reached such a conclusion:

Basic Information

🌐 Websitekortanafx.com
🏠 Company*Kortana Inc
RegulatoryNot regulated
📧 EmailDoes not mention it
📈 ContinentalOwn platform
📌 AddressDubai Silicon Oasis, DDP Building A1, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
🕑 Website ageWebsite registered on: December 6, 2022
Company typeforex broker

Company: ⚠️ KORTANA is owned by Kortana Inc,

Location: KORTANA mentions being located in the United Arab Emirates, a location totally NOT RECOMMENDED. If you decide to trust a company based here you have to know that your money does not have any type of protection, it is very risky, please think twice before trusting this company. We can already tell you that we are concerned about several characteristics of this company.

What is KORTANA?

After having carried out an analysis of the company's website, we can say that KORTANA is a: forex broker

Account types

The company provides information about these different account types.

Account typeMinimum initial deposit
10 k$139
25 k$249
50 k$379
100 k$575
200 k$999

Information on the web

Kortana website

Here we show you a screenshot of the KORTANA website, which is kortanafx.com. The capture was made in OCTOBER 2023

Contact: phone numbers and email

This company does not provide any contact details; No email or phone number. What does this mean? That a company does not provide contact information is a very bad sign. Imagine that you have a problem or complaint and you have no way to contact them. It sounds really bad, doesn't it?

* KORTANA regulation

We have analyzed in depth the current ⚖️ regulatory situation ⚖️ in which this company finds itself and we have reached the following conclusion:

The broker presents us with a very worrying situation; he mentions absolutely nothing about regulating it. What does this make us think? We are talking about an unregulated broker. What does it mean? This means that the broker's clients and all their money are without any type of protection. That is to say, if the broker has bad intentions, most likely you will not be able to do anything to recover your money. Please be very careful with these types of companies. Think carefully before sending money, you are sending it to a company without any type of regulation or protection!

🚫 Final rating of KORTANA 🚫

As you can see, we have carried out a detailed and complete analysis of the most important characteristics of KORTANA and we have reached the following conclusions about this company:

Location: They mention being located in a VERY UNSAFE location

Regulatory: They do not mention anything about its regulation, that is to say: we are talking about an unregulated company with a notable lack of clarity and seriousness.

The company also does not mention any means of contact; If you need to contact them for an emergency, how will you do it? Please be careful.

KORTANA presents itself as a forex broker that claims to be located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, it is important to note that although the UAE is known for its favorable tax environment, it is not necessarily considered an insecure location generally speaking. However, the lack of explicit or visible regulation from a recognized regulatory entity raises concerns about the security and legitimacy of KORTANA as a broker.

In the UAE, the Securities and Financial Markets Authority (ESCA) is the regulatory entity responsible for supervising and regulating financial services, including brokers and other investment entities. However, if KORTANA does not provide information about its regulation by ESCA or another regulatory entity, this creates uncertainty about its regulatory compliance.

The lack of details on regulation can be interpreted as a red flag, as regulated financial companies often display their licenses and regulatory compliance to demonstrate their transparency and commitment to protecting their clients' funds.

🚨🚨 Conclusion: for the reasons mentioned our conclusion is that it is a very unserious and very unsafe company. Please think carefully if you want to send money to a company with these characteristics. 🚨🚨


News about KORTANA:

Date Update – news
December 2023The company has changed its supposed location from the United States to the United Arab Emirates. This makes us wonder if they are lying about their real location and makes us think that they are an unsafe (and unserious) company.

Video about Kortana

User Reviews

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What is your opinion? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote. You can also leave a comment about your experience with KORTANA.

At the end of the review you will find customer comments.

How to Claim Money Scammed by KORTANA

If what you want is to know how to claim your capital, if you have been scammed, further down in the FAQ section you can find our advice.

How to Report KORTANA

If you feel dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, and for some reason you want to report it, below, in the FAQ section, you can find the best way to report this company.


Are there (recommended) alternatives to KORTANA?

Yes, of course there are better and safer options! You can see here the brokers we recommend: ranking of the best brokers.

How can I report KORTANA?

This depends on where you are, you should go to the financial regulator in your country. Write us a comment on this review and we will help you.

Is KORTANA reliable?

No. KORTANA is not reliable, it is a very unsafe company: its location is very dangerous and its lack of regulation generates a lot of uncertainty and financial insecurity. It is a company with no track record that does not give us confidence. BE VERY CAREFUL

How to recover money from KORTANA?

If you want to know how to recover your capital, you can see it here. We explain in detail the process of recovering money from a scam company, step by step.

About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

16 comments on «Kortana: OPINION AND COMMENTS – IS IT A SCAM?»

  1. Hugo Armando Barrier Aldana Reply

    Hello, I hope you can help me or tell me what I can do with the Kortana company, since I had 2 funded accounts, one of 100k and 200k in both accounts I was going profit, the detail here is that there is a rule where you cannot have more than 2 open operations at the same time in the same direction per currency pair, that is, it is valid to have 2 purchases in gold, for example, open, as it says in their rules. Knowing this rule, I program buy limit operations in both accounts in usdchef when the price touches them and the activate, open 2 operations in each account instead of just one operation as it should be, I had programmed in both accounts the 100k and 200k 2 buy limit in usdchf so that it would not violate the rule of no more than two operations per pair, but when one of the buy imitations is activated it is divided into 2 operations in both accounts, already having 3 operations in total, with these 3 operations the rule of no more than 2 operations would be violated, but the problem was that at the time of activating the buy limit one of them in both accounts 2 were activated which did not have to happen, since the correct thing was that only the 2 were activated in order to respect the rule, the most curious thing is that it happened to me in the two accounts where I was in profit, and it is clear that Kortana together with the broker manipulated my orders by opening more operations to violate the rule and they will not pay me the profits, I would like to report this and continue and take it to the final stages since my accounts were lost due to their manipulation. Due to carelessness or some violation of mine, please help me.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Hugo Armando, they have control of the platform and when they want your operation to be negative they manipulate it so that you lose all your money, in general it can be said that they lie in everything they say with the aim of scamming you. Thanks for writing about Kortana. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  2. Hugo Armando Barrier Aldana Reply

    Hello, I would like to report to Kortana or start a lawsuit against them because I bought 2 funding accounts, one of 100 k and 200 k, investing approximately 1100 USD. The problem or detail with them was that, already having my accounts funded, that is, in the real phase, I scheduled a buy limit operation in both accounts and when the active price the buy limit 3 operations were opened in each account, which only had to be opened a single operation, I reported it to support and they told me to contact the broker Zenfinex global limit which is with which they work and they told me that no, I had manually executed those operations, but I even have an image capture where I have a buy limit operation without being activated, and another where it is activated and divided into 3 operations where this demonstrates that They Kortana or the broker manipulate the trader's orders in this case, I argued to them that if I had entered into market execution the buy limit that I had waiting to be activated would be reflected in the history which when taking out the history of all the operations the buy limit does not appear, only the 3 operations in which it was divided appear, this makes me think that they manipulate the trader accounts that are in profit in their accounts so as not to pay the profits, I would like to continue to the following instances because I lost 1100usd due to their manipulation. I hope they can help me and take this to the next step so they can reimburse me since I did not violate any rules and they, on the contrary, manipulated my orders. Please help me.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Hugo Armando, in general it can be said that they lie in everything they say with the aim of scamming you. Thanks for writing about Kortana. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


      • Alexsnder Guzman

        Alexsnder Guzmán….
        4 profits in 6 months and they don't pay... they change rules, they don't answer... and they invent excuses... they make rules at random so as not to pay... scam…. You have to burn them so that no one else makes the mistake of opening and spending time with these scammers. We are a community of tradeide4s in Costa Rica 51 members and we have all had problems. FATAL

      • Alexander Guzman Romero

        Alexsnder Guzmán….
        4 profits in 6 months and they don't pay...they change rules, they don't answer...and they invent excuses...they make rules at will so as not to pay... scam…. You have to burn them so that no one else makes the mistake of opening and spending time with these scammers. We are a community of tradeide4s in Costa Rica 51 members and we have all had problems. FATAL

      • Recommended-brokers.com

        Hello Alexander, it is a shame that they were not able to verify if it was a serious broker before investing, unfortunately, they have control of the platform and when they want your operation to be negative they manipulate it so that you lose all your money, in general You can say that they lie in everything they say with the aim of scamming you. Thanks for writing about Kortana. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

        If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

        If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

        To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

        If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  3. DIEGOA. Reply


    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello DIEGOA, in general it can be said that they lie in everything they say with the aim of scamming you. Thanks for writing about Kortana. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  4. curious investor Reply

    Thanks for the analysis, I see that they are not reliable at all. What company can you recommend to me then?


  5. Pablo Reply

    Hello, I would like to know if they are really in the United States or not…. How true is this? I don't want to be scammed. Thank you and greetings.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Pablo, in general it can be said that they lie in everything they say with the aim of scamming you. Thanks for writing about Kortana. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


    • Dani Reply

      Now they say they are in the United Arab Emirates, nothing makes sense, be careful with withdrawals, it looks like one of these companies that disappears overnight with their clients' money

      be very careful gentlemen

  6. Jorge Luis Garcia Reply

    This company will not let you withdraw. I assure you, I'm still trying to withdraw and I can't, don't do it, you'll thank me later. Greetings.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Jorge Luis García, thank you for writing about Kortana. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


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