✔️ Information reviewed and updated in April 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

In this section we will analyze the company Nasini, is it safe?. We analyze the website, we observe every detail and we examine the main characteristics that are taken into account when choosing a good broker such as the location, the company to which it belongs, its regulation, its reputation…

A pocas palabras AT THE TIME OF CREATING THE REVIEW, THERE APPEARED TO BE NO SIGNS OF SCAM. Below we will show you essential information about Nasini and we will tell you why we reached such a conclusion:

Basic Information

🌐 Websitenasini.com.ar
🏠 CompanyNASINI SA
Regulatoryregulated and registered in the Stock Market – OWN ALYC No. 222 CNV – ACDI FCI No. 44 CNV
📧 Emailcontact from the website
📈 Leadingown platform
📌 DirectionArgentina

Nasini is owned by NASINI SA, the company it's located in Argentina.

Account types

Now we will analyze the types of accounts that Nasini offers, in this case, we observe that it does not offer types of accounts.

Information on the web

Nasini's website

Nasini provides a brief explanation about the services he offers, market news and analysis, FAQ section, not much else.

List of phone numbers

+54 (341) 425-8914

+54 (341) 425-6810

+ 54 (341) 425-6552.

Nasini's final assessment

Finally, and in a few words, our recommendation is: Nasini is a company where we have not noticed signs of fraud. We also suggest caution.

While we haven't found any bad reviews, negative comments or other signs of scam companies, we always advise you to be careful in the world of investing and with your money! It never hurts to be cautious and investigate the company on your own!


News about Nasini:

Date Update – news
At the moment we have no news to share.

User Reviews

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What is your opinion? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote. You can also leave a comment about your experience with Nasini.

At the end of the review you will find customer comments.

How to Claim Money to nasini

If what you want is to know how to claim your capital, further down in the FAQ section you can find our advice.

How to Report Nasini

If you feel dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, and for some reason you want to file a complaint, below, in the FAQ section, you can find the best way to report this company.


Is Nasini a scam – is it a scam?

In our opinion it is not a scam, we have not been able to detect signs of scam.

Is Nasini trustworthy?

After our analysis we believe that it is a usual / normal company, we do not notice signs of scam. Also remember to be careful with your money and where you invest it.

How to report Nasini?

If you have any complaints against this broker you can write to them in the support of their website, we also invite you to leave a comment in this review.

How to claim money from Nasini?

If you can't get your money back, leave us a comment and we'll help you. You can also visit this page that explains how to get your money back.

About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

2 comments on «Is Nasini a scam? Opinions of 2023»

  1. Ferdinand Reply

    Thanks for the Nasini review, I'm interested if anyone has had experience with them please share.


    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Fer, thanks for your comment.


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