✔️ Information reviewed and updated in September 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

In this section we will tell you if we consider that the company Pierce Dalton is a safe company or an untrustworthy company. Read our full analysis to find out everything!

We analyze the website, observe every detail and examine the main characteristics that are taken into account when choosing a good broker such as the location, the company to which it belongs, its regulation, its reputation...

Below we will show you essential information about Pierce Dalton and we will tell you why we came to such a conclusion:

Basic Information

🌐 Websitepdiltd.net
🏠 Company*Pierce Dalton Investments Ltd
RegulatoryMentions being regulated by LEICodeAE and Emirates Free Zone
📧 Email[email protected]
📈 ContinentalOwn platform
📌 AddressUnited Arab Emirates, Dubai
🕑 Website age25 April 2023
Company typeCryptocurrency, CFDs, Forex and Commodities Broker

Company: Pierce Dalton is owned by Pierce Dalton Investments Ltd.

Location: The company mentions being located in the United Arab Emirates, but we believe that this is false information. We can already tell you that we are concerned about several characteristics of this company.

What is Pierce Dalton?

After having carried out an analysis of the company's website, we can say that Pierce Dalton is a: cryptocurrency, cfds, forex and commodities broker.

Account types

The company provides information about these different account types

Types of accountsMinimum initial deposit

Information on the web

Pierce Dalton's website
binary comments

Here we show you a screenshot of Pierce Dalton's website, which is pdiltd.net. The capture was made in DECEMBER 2023.

Contact: phone numbers and email

After having performed an analysis of the website:

-We have not found phone numbers.

– We have found the following email:

*Pierce Dalton Regulation

We have analyzed in depth the current ⚖️ regulatory situation ⚖️ in which this company finds itself and we have reached the following conclusion:

The truth is that here we find truly ALARMING information. This company mentions being regulated in the United Arab Emirates but does not provide us with enough information to verify that this regulation is real. This makes us believe that the company is trying to deceive us about its regulation. Please be very careful with these types of companies!

🚫 Pierce Dalton's Final Rating 🚫

As you can see, we have carried out a detailed and complete analysis of the most important characteristics of Pierce Dalton and we have reached the following conclusions about this company:

Location: It mentions being located in a place considered safe such as the United Arab Emirates, but we believe that this is false information with which they try to deceive customers.

Regulatory: The company mentions being regulated in a country that we consider safe, such as the United Arab Emirates, but we believe that this information is false. We are talking about a company that tries to deceive us about its regulation.

🚨🚨 Conclusion: for the reasons mentioned our conclusion is that it is a very unserious and very unsafe company. Please think carefully if you want to send money to a company with these characteristics. 🚨🚨


No updates.

User Reviews

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What is your opinion? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote. You can also leave a comment about your experience with Pierce Dalton.

At the end of the review you will find customer comments.

How to Claim Money Scammed by Pierce Dalton

If what you want is to know how to claim your capital, if you have been scammed, further down in the FAQ section you can find our advice.

How to Report Pierce Dalton

If you feel dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, and for some reason you want to report it, below, in the FAQ section, you can find the best way to report this company.


Are there (recommended) alternatives to Pierce Dalton?

Yes, of course there are better and safer options! You can see here the brokers we recommend: ranking of the best brokers.

How can I report Pierce Dalton?

This depends on where you are, you should go to the financial regulator in your country. Write us a comment on this review and we will help you.

Is Pierce Dalton trustworthy?

No. Pierce Dalton is not trustworthy, it is a very unsafe company: the information about its location is doubtful and its regulation generates many doubts and insecurities. Your website is new, that is, it has no experience, does that generate confidence in you? BE VERY CAREFUL.

How to get money back from Pierce Dalton?

If you want to know how to recover your capital, you can see it here. We explain in detail the process of recovering money from a scam company, step by step.

About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

10 comments on « Pierce Dalton: OPINION AND COMMENTS – IS IT A SCAM?»

  1. Alejandro Vallejoq Reply

    Pierce Danton is a scam to claim your money that you have. You have to pay them your account so they can send you your money. I have money on their platform and I want to withdraw it and they told me that I had to pay them a tax. I have 382 dollars and I have to pay 114 dollars in tax and they don't deduct it from me. What I have with them, I don't have to send them the 114 dollars to be able to send me the 382 that I have with them, what a scam, who knows how I can withdraw my money without having to pay all that?

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Alejandro, the real problem is that it is in the hands of some scammers and the only thing they want is to steal more money from you, if you pay those fake taxes they will later ask you for another invented payment and they will not give you anything back, they play with your need and lie to Take away your money or rather send it thinking that they will make a transfer that will never arrive.


  2. Gabriel Reply

    Pierce Dalton scam doubt – Good morning. Is there a way to know if Pierce Dalton Investments is a scam or not? I was investing with them, everything seems serious, they call daily to open operations in the stock market from the same telephone number 97145178360 or 541128601417, or they contact by email with extension @pdiltd.org. Their analysts seem to have extensive knowledge of stock market investments, since on many of the calls they spend a lot of time explaining the market or operations. However, the doubt arises when wanting to make a withdrawal, on two occasions I tried to withdraw money, but just on those days operations are opened that take a long time to close and close with a loss, and they ask to inject capital to activate insurance and you can recover what was lost. They say that because of the company's commitment to its clients, they assume a percentage of that “insurance”, so they do not demand to pay in full. When one does not have the money available at that time, the company makes “loans” that must be paid within two weeks in order to then make a withdrawal. It is for all this that I consult with you based on your experience if this company is likely to be a scam or not. I appreciate your time and help, I am desperate because of this uncertainty

    • Pedro Martinez Gonzalez Post AuthorReply

      Hi Gabriel, thanks for writing about Pierce Dalton. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from the moment it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse of keeping it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they ask you for a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. never pay it! That is the alert, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay, you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or check the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  3. Eugenio Longo Reply

    Hello, I tell you that I was also scammed by this company, a girl called me whose name is Ana Maria Celis (according to her), they offer an advisory service for which they charge 20% of your profits, after funding the account a guy called me supposed analyst and the number according to the caller ID belongs to Dubai, as I have accounts in other brokers I decided to take the risk, I operated for a month with the supposed analyst and I replicated the operations in another account and the truth was it was profitable but they did not stop offer me a loan to increase the volume of my operations which could not be paid with the profits generated but with deposits (I never accepted), when I tried to withdraw funds from that account the advisor who called me at the beginning told me I had to pay $100 commission to the broker to be able to make the withdrawal (which I didn't do either) since the initial agreement was 20% of the profits, she told me that it was her mistake (a lie) I tried to write to the emails they had provided me and none of them are active ( the emails are returned) and of course they no longer answer the WhatsApp, PLEASE DON'T FALL FOR THAT, NO SERIOUS BROKER OFFERS YOU AN ANALYST TO DO THE OPERATIONS.
    I hope my comment can contribute something and help ensure that no one else falls into that scam, as I mentioned above, I took the risk because I wanted to try and fortunately the operations I replicated worked and what I lost with them I gained in my other accounts. Regards

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Eugenio, thank you for writing about Pierce Dalton. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not invest more money, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually and keep the money from the moment it reaches their accounts, it never enters the market, everything is prepared so that they make you lose your money to have the excuse of keeping it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they ask you for a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it!, that is the alert, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and even if you pay they will never return it to you.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  4. Nancy Gomez Reply

    Hello! I put my money in Pierce Dalton, now I can't get it out. When I invested it seemed good to me because it claimed to be regulated by the United Arab Emirates, but it seems that it is just a facade.
    I have operation and money transaction email, phone numbers, etc.


    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Nancy, thank you for writing about  Pierce Dalton. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not invest more money, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually and keep the money from the moment it reaches their accounts, it never enters the market, everything is prepared so that they make you lose your money to have the excuse of keeping it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they ask you for a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it!, that is the alert, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and even if you pay they will never return it to you.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  5. Sophist Reply

    This company will not let you withdraw. I don't get paid yet, don't do it, you'll thank me later. Greetings.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Sofis, thanks for writing about  Pierce Dalton. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not invest more money, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually and keep the money from the moment it reaches their accounts, it never enters the market, everything is prepared so that they make you lose your money to have the excuse of keeping it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they ask you for a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it!, that is the alert, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and even if you pay they will never return it to you.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or fill out the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


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