✔️ Information reviewed and updated in September 2024 by Pedro Martínez González
In this section we will tell you if we consider that the company SIMPLESTATE is a safe company or an untrustworthy company. Read our full analysis to find out everything!
We analyze the website, observe every detail and examine the main characteristics that are taken into account when choosing a good broker such as the location, the company to which it belongs, its regulation, its reputation...
Below we will show you essential information about SIMPLESTATE and we will tell you why we came to such a conclusion:
Basic Information
🌐 Website | simplestate.com.ar |
🏠 Company* | SIMPLESTATE TRUST (30-71661771-4) |
️ Regulatory | Does not need regulation |
Does not have | |
📈 Continental | Own platform |
📌 Address | Argentina |
🕑 Website age | Website registered on: June 6, 2019 |
❓ Company type | Direct purchase of real estate |
Company: ⚠️ SIMPLESTATE is property of SIMPLESTATE TRUST (30-71661771-4),
Location: SIMPLESTATE mention being located in Argentina, a location totally NOT RECOMMENDED. If you decide to trust a company based here you have to know that your money does not have any type of protection, it is very risky, please think twice before trusting this company.
We can already tell you that we are concerned about several characteristics of this company.
After having carried out an analysis of the company's website, we can say that SIMPLESTATE is a direct real estate purchasing company.
Account types
The company does not provide information about having different types of accounts.
Information on the web
Here we show you a screenshot of the SIMPLESTATE website, which is simplestate.com.ar. The capture was made in DECEMBER 2023.
Contact: phone numbers and email
This company does not provide any contact details; No email or phone number. What does this mean? That a company does not provide contact information is a very bad sign. Imagine that you have a problem or complaint and you have no way to contact them. It sounds really bad, doesn't it?
* SIMPLESTATE regulation
We have analyzed in depth the current ⚖️ regulatory situation ⚖️ in which this company finds itself and we have reached the following conclusion:
Due to the characteristics of the trust and considering that negotiable securities are not offered, it does not need regulation.
🚫 Final evaluation of SIMPLESTATE 🚫
As you can see, we have carried out a detailed and complete analysis of the most important characteristics of SIMPLESTATE and we have reached the following conclusions about this company:
Location: They mention being located in a VERY UNSAFE location
Regulatory: They do not need regulation due to the characteristics of their trust
The omission of any means of contact with the company raises concerns about accessibility in urgent situations or for inquiries. This lack can generate distrust and a feeling of helplessness among clients if they need immediate assistance.
SIMPLESTATE, focused on the direct purchase of real estate, mentions its location in an area considered unsafe, which may raise doubts about the security of the transactions and the viability of its operations.
SIMPLESTATE's justification for not requiring regulation due to its operation through trusts and non-offering of tradable securities raises questions about the protection and security it offers to its clients, since regulation not only protects investors, but also establishes ethical and operational standards.
🚨🚨 Conclusion: for the reasons mentioned our conclusion is that it is a very unserious and very unsafe company. Please think carefully if you want to send money to a company with these characteristics. 🚨🚨
Date | Update – news |
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User Reviews
What is your opinion? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote. You can also leave a comment about your experience with SIMPLESTATE.
At the end of the review you will find customer comments.
How to Claim Money Scammed by SIMPLESTATE
If what you want is to know how to claim your capital, if you have been scammed, further down in the FAQ section you can find our advice.
If you feel dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, and for some reason you want to report it, below, in the FAQ section, you can find the best way to report this company.
Are there (recommended) alternatives to SIMPLESTATE?
Yes, of course there are better and safer options! You can see here the brokers we recommend: ranking of the best brokers.
How can I report SIMPLESTATE?
This depends on where you are, you should go to the financial regulator in your country. Write us a comment on this review and we will help you.
Is SIMPLESTATE reliable?
No. SIMPLESTATE is not trustworthy, it is a very unsafe company: its location is unsafe. Your website is new, which means it has little experience and this is unreliable. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS TYPE OF COMPANIES.
How to recover money from SIMPLESTATE?
If you want to know how to recover your capital, you can see it here. We explain in detail the process of recovering money from a scam company, step by step.
I tell you that it is a very unserious company, the projects do not exist, it is all a ponzi, they are not paying the investors. In charge is a man named
Polo that is dedicated to scamming people, please do not put money into that company, they are a big lie in every sense
Hi Despechado, it's true, it's a PONZI type scam, they pay interest with the money of new investors until everything collapses and you're left with nothing. We have received many complaints that they are no longer paying anyone, I recommend that you WITHDRAW ALL YOUR CAPITAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THIS SCAM IS ABOUT TO GO BANKRUPT!!!
Thank you very much for the analysis and for helping me make an informed decision about the company, I am still wondering what to do. But if I decide I'll comment here again. Thank you.
Hello IGNA, thank you for your comment. We wish you the best of luck!
Thanks for the comments, I'm thinking about whether to go in with simplestate, so I'm reading them carefully and reading the review. Thank you very much again.
Hello Marcos, a pleasure to help you, we are here for whatever you need.
Hi, I would appreciate more opinions on SimpleState as I am really interested but I am scared as there are so many SCAMS on the internet. I would like recommendations. Regards.
Dani from Argentina
Hi Daniel, it's a PONZI type scam, they pay interest with the money of new investors until everything collapses and you are left with nothing.
I have 2 investments in simplestate, both of which have ended the contract. The first paid a small portion of interest and has been in stanby for 8 months waiting to be sold. The second is with early withdrawal which I opted for. It has been 80 days and I cannot recover my capital. nor my interests sounds like a scam or ponzi scheme, what do you think?
Hello Carlos, if they insist, don't be in a hurry. Can you please send us more information about your situation? You have left us really worried with your message.
So far I don't see anything wrong with this company, does anyone have more info? Thank you
Hi Dylan, thanks for commenting on Simplestate, any information is very helpful to our users.
If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.