✔️ Information reviewed and updated in September 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

In this section we will tell you if we consider that the company 3ANGLEFX is a safe company or an untrustworthy company. Read our full analysis to find out everything!

We analyze the website, observe every detail and examine the main characteristics that are taken into account when choosing a good broker such as the location, the company to which it belongs, its regulation, its reputation...

Below we will show you essential information about 3ANGLEFX and tell you why we came to such a conclusion:

Basic Information

🌐 Website3anglefx.com
🏠 Company*Triangleview Investments Limited
RegulatoryRegulated by CySEC (Regulation 384/20)
📧 Email[email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected]
📈 ContinentalMT5
📌 AddressCyprus
🕑 Website ageWebsite registered in: August 2019
Company typeCFD Broker on Forex, Stocks, Commodities and Indices

Company: 3anglefx is owned by Triangleview Investments Limited

Location: 3ANGLEFX mention being located in Cyprus, a location totally NOT RECOMMENDED. If you decide to trust a company based here you have to know that your money does not have any type of protection, it is very risky, please think twice before trusting this company.

We can already tell you that we are concerned about several characteristics of this company.

What is 3ANGLEFX?

After having carried out an analysis of the company's website, we can say that 3ANGLEFX is a: CFD Broker on Forex, Stocks, Commodities and Indices

Account types

Having analyzed the 3anglefx website we observed that they offer: 1 type of account: the “Live Account”

Account typeMinimum initial deposit

Information on the web

3anglefx website 1024x797 1

Here we show you a screenshot of the 3ANGLEFX website, which is 3anglefx.com. The capture was made in NOVEMBER 2023.

Contact: phone numbers and email

After having performed an analysis of the website:

– We have found the following phone number: +357 25 ​​322 330

– We have found the following email: [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected]

*3ANGLEFX regulation

We have analyzed in depth the current ⚖️ regulatory situation ⚖️ in which this company finds itself and we have reached the following conclusion:

This company mentions being regulated in Cyprus, this location is used since the regulation of this type of country is practically non-existent. It is almost the same as working with an unregulated broker. That is, if you work with a broker with this type of regulation, unfortunately you are 100% unprotected. Therefore, at the regulatory level, unfortunately 3ANGLEFX is a completely dangerous and very unsafe broker.

🚫 Final 3ANGLEFX Rating 🚫

As you can see, we have carried out a detailed and complete analysis of the most important characteristics of 3ANGLEFX and we have reached the following conclusions about this company:

Location: They mention being located in a VERY UNSAFE location

Regulatory: They mention being regulated by a very unserious and, above all, unsafe regulator, such as Cyprus. There is a clear lack of security at the regulatory level.

🚨🚨 Conclusion: for the reasons mentioned our conclusion is that it is a very unserious and very unsafe company. Please think carefully if you want to send money to a company with these characteristics. 🚨🚨


News about 3ANGLEFX:

Date Update – news
April 2024We have no news at the moment

Video about 3angleFX

User Reviews

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What is your opinion? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote. You can also leave a comment about your experience with 3ANGLEFX.

At the end of the review you will find customer comments.

How to Claim Money Scammed by 3ANGLEFX

If what you want is to know how to claim your capital, if you have been scammed, further down in the FAQ section you can find our advice.

How to Report 3ANGLEFX

If you feel dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, and for some reason you want to report it, below, in the FAQ section, you can find the best way to report this company.


Are there (recommended) alternatives to 3ANGLEFX?

Yes, of course there are better and safer options! You can see here the brokers we recommend: ranking of the best brokers.

How can I report 3ANGLEFX?

This depends on where you are, you should go to the financial regulator in your country. Write us a comment on this review and we will help you.

Is 3ANGLEFX reliable?

No. 3ANGLEFX is not reliable, it is a very unsafe company: its location in Cyprus and unreliable regulation (from the same country) allows us to tell you not to invest in this company. We know this from our own experience and from many people who leave us their comments every day. Be very careful.

How to recover money from 3ANGLEFX?

If you want to know how to recover your capital, you can see it here. We explain in detail the process of recovering money from a scam company, step by step.

About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

14 comments on «3anglefx: opinion and comments – Is it a scam?»

  1. Juan Reply

    Good morning Mr. Pedro Martínez.
    I would like you to advise me if you would be so kind, I have read about you your great experience on the stock market, your extensive Biography.
    He conveys great security to me in how he communicates.
    I have never invested in the Stock Market, after reading Lorena Castell's article, I got the bug.
    I say there is luck for a Vacation with the Family that we need.
    My question:
    As a Great Professional, if it were you, in which company or Borkers, would a person with no experience in this invest, without investing a few €, to begin with.

    Without further ado and waiting for your news, thank you for the time dedicated to this email.
    Thank you.
    Best regards.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Juan, thanks for writing about 3anglefx. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or check the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  2. John Reply

    I did not see the types of account they have, I mean if by market or instant

  3. Alice Reply

    Is there a reliable broker that is based in Mexico? There are several that show on this page that they are "reliable" but their headquarters are in other countries and that there is no nearby place to file a complaint that is not on the other side of the world or in a tax haven makes me very suspicious, could you help me please?

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Alice, unfortunately, there are no 100% reliable regulators in general in Latin America, it is sad, but it is so, the most reliable are the FCA of the United Kingdom and the brokers with regulation in the US, also from the German Bafin, but still and so you have to be very attentive to people's comments, I think it is the best thermometer of whether a broker is reliable or not. You should know that there are brokers that have several regulations and use the one that suits them best depending on each market.


  4. Hector Reply


    628201434, from this number the friends of 3anglefx contacted me.

    One day I only took away that a certain José Manuel would take his foot out of the pot...

    I told him that it was not a suitable investment for me and disrespect and a series of comments that lead you to say... Get to work mangante 😉
    As I said, everyone with their money can do what they want, but these guys look fast 👍

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Hector, thanks for writing about 3anglefx. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or check the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Juan, thanks for writing about 3anglefx. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or check the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  5. Bill Reply

    Total scam, they are on Paseo de Recoletos number 5 and on Calle Lagasca 83, according to the police, I have filed a lawsuit against them because they stole the money without opening a single operation.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Guillermo, thanks for writing about 3anglefx. Currently this broker is considered a SCAM.

      If you are a client, do not make more contributions, their only objective is to steal from you, they manipulate operations manually, they keep the money from when it reaches their accounts, it does not enter the market, everything is prepared for you to lose or make you lose your money to have the excuse to keep it.

      If you decide to withdraw and they request a ransom in the form of commissions, taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Never pay it! That's the warning, from that moment you have to know that you are a client of a scam broker and no matter how much you pay you will never see your money.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or check the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


  6. johnbaez Reply

    They are pressuring me to invest here, but I don't want them to steal my money or scam me. Can you help me? Blessings.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi JohnBAEZ, thanks for writing about 3anglefx. Currently this broker is considered unsafe, since we consider that the Cyprus regulation is an UNSAFE regulation.

      To help other users or customers, provide as much information as possible, explain how everything happened, where you saw the advertising, who called you, numbers from which you were dialed, emails and everything that comes to mind.

      If you want to recover your money go to our chat or check the form in this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY


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