✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

28Mex Comments
In this section we will analyze the broker 28Mex (also called by the name: 28mex.com), is a platform for mining and investments in Cryptocurrencies. Is 28Mex really recommended to make an investment? Or is it better not to invest with this company? ⛔ Is it a safe site? Is a gotcha? We will help you determine it. ✅

➡️ In this section you can find the following: opinions about 28Mex ✅, claims, complaints eexperiences , ananalysis 📊 of the most important characteristics of this company (updated 2022), and most importantly: Is it 28Mex ⚠️ a safe site? Can we trust this company? Will we be able to withdraw our money? All this and more in this review about this investment company.

Get your money back - we help you

Essential information: Who does it belong to? Where is located? Is it a regulated broker?

❌ 28Mex mentions being part of: no data on this.


❌ Regarding your location, the company mentions being based on: there is no data on this.


❌ If we analyze the regulation, do not mention nothing about being a company regulated or on its regulation.


ATTENTION: 28Mex is a company NOT REGULATED. ⛔


📌 RememberRegulated brokers are the best (and safest) option, as they must meet very strict requirements. Working with an unregulated broker is very risky. 📌


Account types | Investment platform


Now we go on to analyze the account types providing 28Mex, in this case, we did not find information that indicates the existence of different types of account.

La platform to operate that 28Mex offers is: own platform.


Resources | Website

We will now analyze the different resources and aids for traders that 28Mex provides on its website. We believe that the resources and help provided on the website can be a great point in favor of the broker.

Anicofinancial website
28Mex website

28Mex provides the following aids or resources to traders or interested parties: a little information about the products you offer, FAQ section, really not much more than this.



Get your money back - we help you


🌐 Other information about 28Mex 🌐


???? Some more information in case you want to contact the company, or see its website for yourself. ????

🌏 Website: 28mex.com | guess.red/index

📞 Telephone number: does not have.

📧 Email: It is necessary to register to contact.

You might be wondering why we reviewed 28Mex. We carry out this review and assessment, due to the fact that we receive different messages and comments asking about the reliability of the company in question. We like to think that our reviews page helps investors, providing key information about the company, we disclose information that every investor should know before deciding or not to invest with an investment company.

Are you a representative of this company? We recommend you leave a comment responding to customer concerns.

➡️ Rating on 28Mex ⬅️


Ending with this section, in our opinion Do we believe that the company 28Mex is trustworthy? Should you invest your money with the company? Are they a recommended company? ⭐2022 analysis


❌ After analyzing this company, we recommend that you exercise caution, since it is a shell company - "offshore" very little transparent, does not offer legal information, is not registered (or is registered in a tax haven) and also lacks regulation (unregulated company). ❌


(I.e. A pocas palabras: It doesn't seem like a good idea, we suggest using caution. 📛


⛔ Attention: ⛔ according to messages from 28Mex clients, 24Mex, is linked to 28Mex, in addition to the similar name and similar website design. WE SUGGEST EXTREME CAUTION ⛔


Our advice: We always recommend working only with properly regulated companies, isn't it better to have the protection of a good regulator? Is it worth the risk if there are much safer options to invest? Why invest with an unregulated or poorly regulated broker, when you can invest with a broker regulated by a serious regulator? 


📌 Don't forget: One of the few measures that assure clients' money is the regulation of the broker, that is, it is probably the most important characteristic of any broker; HAVE GOOD REGULATION. Good regulation means that there is an authority to which, in case of misunderstandings or problems, customers can complain. 📌

What is your opinion? Have you traded with this broker? Are you a customer? Do you think our opinion is not correct? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote, also leave a comment on our website with your experience with this broker.


🔻🔻 We leave a vote open so that traders, clients and broker users can vote. 🔻🔻


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About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

42 comments on «28Mex: Rating and comments»

  1. Wilmer Reply

    They painted me a world of millionaires, fabulous earnings and that my life would change in 360 °, luckily I investigated such a happy wonder before, the comments and criticisms do not favor it even by 0,000000001%. Also thanks to you who provide us with the right information about shell companies, Thank you.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Wilmer, thank you for taking the time to write to us, it is always motivating to read comments like yours, we try to help.


  2. Fran Reply

    nobody wins what these 28mex clowns say, they are liars and those who call you seem to have been taken out of tepito ... chaleee !!!

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Fran, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they have no regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  3. Elizabeth Reply

    Hello, I was contacted by an advisor, he informed me how they work, the market, with a lot of wisdom to explain how it works and my profit possibilities.
    I invested 3000 US dollars in this company, now reading and learning about unregulated companies and brokers, I have had many doubts, they are issues that I did not know, I need information, I do not want problems to withdraw my money, I do not know how to proceed, I live in Mexico and I invested an amount that is very important for my income, the advice they gave me when they contacted me generated confidence in the beginning.
    I do not want to be referred to another broker, I need to know if my money will be fine, if I can get it back ?, since they insist on adding another investment of 8000 dollars or pay a commission to withdraw the investment and I do not know whether to go to more or withdraw Since now that I am getting better information this company generates many doubts, it seems not to be regulated.
    I hope it's not late. I need information I am very worried. Thanks.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Elizabeth, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  4. jazzmin Reply

    The truth is that I have been operating with 28 mex for a month and it has gone very well, I have not had any kind of problems but looking at these articles and comments I can see that I have fallen into a scam and they will not refund my money ... how stupid I was

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hi Jazzmin, everything is rigged to steal your money, it's all LIE, they don't have any regulation, it's a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  5. Genevieve Ramirez Reply

    The truth is I have been operating with 28 mex for a month and it has been very good for me, I have not had any kind of problems but I have read these posts and I know now that they will not refund my money

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Genoveva, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  6. Julien Reply

    Hello, I have been there for 3 months. I do not get back the investment and now they only have problems for me to withdraw. They don't give me my money. Rats… !!!

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Julein, all manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they have no regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  7. Luciana Reply

    28MEX sells the domain, they put it up for sale in a month or so ... they are selling the domain, they build another website with all the other people's money to have the lucky guy's bank and lie and give confidence so that you can get money, with the advisors that make you earn about 6 months and then bye! to another domain and sing to another! If you say something in the group, you get banned not only from the group but also from the app.

    The sad thing is that they grab poor countries, now for stealing from Puerto Rico, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba ... etc.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Luciana, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all a LIE, they have no regulation, it is a FRAUD, thank you for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  8. Juniko Reply

    Totally scam, I lost my little money with them, I thought it was Ponzi and it would close in a few weeks, but the system itself controls it

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Juniko, all manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  9. Byron Reply

    I have a query about the legal broker 28mex

    Hello, can you please do an analysis of www. 28mex. com / this page has a telegram group with more than 60.000 people with investments up to 200.000 per person. They say they are regulated. They offer profitability of 5% daily, a day there are 4 sessions with analysts who help invest.

    * Licenses and regulations *
    The 28Mex Group complies with a strict regulatory framework and operates its services on a global scale under different entities, licenses and regulations.

    28Mex LLC is licensed and registered with the National Futures Association (NFA) of the United States, ID: 0486419

    28Mex Holding Ltd is authorized and licensed by CYSEC (EU) (License No. 199/13)

    28Mex is authorized and regulated as an Investment Agent by the FSC since 06/12/2016 (license no C116016172)

    28Mex (registration no. HRB 160749B) is the linked and registered agent with the BaFin of BDSwiss Holding Ltd in Germany.

    28Mex Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (the “FSA”, license number SD047)

    *Our history*
    Since 28Mex went public in 2016, it has been operating on a fair trade Octal Options contract model.

    Octal Options contract is a trading option with the sum of the last three digits of the spot price of the cryptocurrency. This mode of trading largely avoids the unstable factors of the cryptocurrency spot market. Allow all users interested in cryptocurrencies to participate.

    28Mex operates with two option payment ratios “1,95” “3,8”, which allows users to obtain a fair and reasonable return on their invested funds, and at the same time allows the 28Mex exchange In each transaction generated to obtain a certain profit margin, so that the exchange is stable, secure and always operational.

    28Mex is committed to building a global exchange Octal Options contract. Since its listing in 2016, it has expanded from the leading financial market in Southeast Asia to the European and North American financial markets. Because 28Mex has always maintained a user-centric concept as a prerequisite for development, it has already had millions of users around the world.

    In 2021, 28Mex will officially enter the South American market. After 6 months, the number of users in South America has exceeded 100.000. But this is just the beginning, all users who have used 28Mex have maintained a high degree of appreciation for 28Mex, and because 28Mex has adopted a reasonable “1.8%” commission policy, the user base is increasing day by day. .

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hi Byron, it's all a LIE, they don't have any regulation, it's a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  10. Norberto Reply

    Hello, I have had problems with this same company and I cannot withdraw, I need help

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hi Norberto, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


      • Alexia

        In 28mex, if the money can be withdrawn, I am in a group of investors and many for safety take out and re-deposit the next day to invest. I do not understand why they say that you cannot withdraw the money.

      • Recommended Brokers

        Hello Alexia, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

        If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

        If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

        Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

        To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


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