✔️ Information reviewed and updated in April 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

In this section we will tell you if we consider that the company FXTrategy Is it a safe company or an unreliable company.

Read our full analysis to find out everything! At the end of the review you will find our opinion.

We analyze the website, observe every important detail and examine the main characteristics that we must take into account when choosing a good broker such as the location, the company to which it belongs, its regulation, its reputation. How safe is FXTrategy?

Basic Information

🌐 WebsiteFXTrategy.com
🏠 Company*PALLAY
📧 Email-
📈 Leadingsirix
📌 Direction-
🕑 Website ageWebsite registered in: October 2021
Company typeBroker of Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Indices, Currencies, Raw Materials, Bonds and ETFs

Company: FXTrategy is owned by PALLAY.

Location: If we look at the location of FXTrategy, the broker mentions its location on the website.

In terms of location and company to which the broker belongs, FXTrategy is a transparent and secure company. Provide important information clearly.

What is FXTrategy?

After having carried out an analysis of the company's website, we can say that FXTrategy is: a Broker of Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Indices, Currencies, Raw Materials, Bonds and ETFs.

Account types

Having analyzed the FXTrategy website we observed that the broker does not offer any information about its different account types.

Information on the web

FXTrategy website

Here we show you a screenshot of the FXTrategy website, which is “FXTrategy.com” . The capture was made in October 2021.

Contact: telephone numbers and email

After having performed an analysis of the website:

– We have found the following phone number: We have not found phone numbers.

– We found the following email: We also could not find any email from FXTrategy.

*FXTrategy Regulation

We have analyzed in depth the current ⚖️ regulatory situation ⚖️ in which this company finds itself and we have reached the following conclusion:

FXTrategy It is a broker that clearly mentions who the regulator is and it is a regulated company. This is a very important characteristic of the company and one that should not be overlooked. FXTrategy is a regulated broker.

The company clearly mentions being a regulated company.

🚫 FXTrategy Final Rating 🚫

As you can see, we have carried out a detailed and complete analysis of the most important characteristics of FXTrategy and we have reached the following conclusions about this company:

Location- The company clearly mentions the location on the website.

Regulatory: It is a regulated company.

Security- We note that FXTrategy is a safe company.

Complaints or bad comments: The broker's reputation for complaints is actually very clean.

The fxtrategy broker stands out as an excellent alternative for those who want to take their first steps in the world of investments. This company not only provides the opportunity to invest in a wide range of financial products, but also provides an advanced and highly efficient platform, making it easy to make decisions and execute operations quickly and effectively.

One of the main advantages that fxtrategy offers is its diversity of investment options, allowing you to explore and participate in different financial markets. From stocks and currencies to commodities and cryptocurrencies, this platform covers a wide spectrum of assets, giving you the possibility of building a diversified portfolio adapted to your financial objectives.

fxtrategy's advanced platform is not only characterized by its speed, but also by its intuitive interface and integrated analytical tools. This makes it easier for investors, both beginners and experienced, to conduct detailed market analysis, access relevant information and make informed decisions. Additionally, trade execution is done efficiently, which is crucial in a financial environment where speed can make a difference.

In summary, the fxtrategy broker presents itself as an attractive option for those looking to enter the exciting world of investments. With its wide variety of financial products, advanced platform and quality customer service, fxtrategy provides the necessary tools for investors to successfully develop and manage their portfolios.

Open account

FXTrategy Video Review

Our video review of the FXTrategy broker.


News about FXTrategy:

Date Update – news
November 2023At the moment we do not have much more news about the company.

User Reviews

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What is your opinion? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote. You can also leave a comment about your experience with FXTrategy.

At the end of the review you will find customer comments.

How to Claim Money Scammed by FXTrategy

If what you want is to know how to claim your capital, further down in the FAQ section you can find our advice.

How to Report FXTrategy

If you feel dissatisfied with the service provided by the company, and for some reason you want to file a complaint, below, in the FAQ section, you can find the best way to report this company.


Is FXTrategy a scam – is it a scam?

We believe it is a very safe option.

Is FXTrategy a trustworthy company?

FXTrategy is a very reliable company!

How can I open an account? Are you offering any promotions or gifts?

They currently have a promotion for new customers, we invite you to register and ask them directly. They have gifts for new clients. 🎁🎁

How to recover money from FXTrategy?

If you want to withdraw your money from FXTrategy you just have to contact them, through support they will guide you to make the capital withdrawal.

How to report FXTrategy?

If you have any complaints against this broker you can write to them in the support of their website, we also invite you to leave a comment in this review.

About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

13 comments on «FXTrategy: Opinion and comments – Is it a scam?»

  1. Juan Do Reply



    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Juan, thank you for commenting about Inverlion, any information is of great help to our users.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.


  2. Martin Rodriguez Reply

    Thanks for the analysis, for the moment I'm doing well and I don't have any complaints. Greetings.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Martín, thank you for commenting on FXTrategy, any information is of great help to our users.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.


  3. Yumi Reply

    Well, I would like you to help me with my doubts about how reliable fxtrategy is, whether it is recommended or not, sometimes one is wary of so many scams out there, I hope you can help me.

  4. Luis Ramos Reply

    Thank you very much for the moment, I'm happy and I'm doing well, my account is growing little by little!

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hello Luis Ramos, thanks for commenting on FXTrategy, any information is of great help to our users.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.


    • Pablo Reply

      Whether you were able to withdraw money from your account, whether it was easy or difficult to withdraw

  5. mario shoemaker Reply

    Good morning, in my opinion they are a good company to invest in, as is normal I have won and lost, but I have won more. What I recommend is to be well aware of important financial events, in the end we have to be up to date with this, which is what makes different actions go up or down.


    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Mario, thanks for commenting on FXTrategy, any information is very helpful to our users.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.


    • Pablo Reply

      Whether you have been able to withdraw money from your account, has it been easy or difficult to withdraw?

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