✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

Olympia Markets Comments

In this section we will analyze the Olympia Markets broker, is a Forex broker. Is Olympia Markets really recommended for making an investment? Or is it better not to invest with this company? Is it a safe broker? Is a gotcha? We will help you determine it.

You might be wondering why we do a review on Olympia Markets… It is because we have received some messages from clients asking about the company, and we like to think that our reviews page helps investors, providing key information about the company, we make known information that every investor should know before deciding whether or not to invest with an investment company.

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We do this review and assessment, because we receive different messages and comments asking about the reliability of the company in question. ¿Are you a representative of this company? Leave a comment responding to customer concerns.

Essential information: Who does it belong to? Where is located? Is it a regulated broker?

The broker mentions being part of: does not mention it

As to its location, the broker mentions being based on: does not mention it 

If we analyze the regulation of the broker: since it does not mention absolutely anything about being a regulated company, everything indicates that it is an unregulated broker.

If now we go on to analyze account types offered by Olympia Markets, we note that they offer 3 different account types: the Self Trader Account, the Robot Trader Account and the Copy Trader Account. We leave an image with a little information about each type of account.

Self Trader Account: trading on your own, tight margins.

Robot Trader Account: trading with robots, automated trading experience, predictive algorithm.

Copy Trader Account: copy strategies and operations of other traders, for inexperienced traders.

In addition to this, all accounts have free training by experts, various trading instruments, excellent trading conditions.

Olympia Markets account types
Olympia Markets account types

In the following image you can have more information about the types of account. Click here to see the image in full size.

Las platforms to operate that Olympia Markets offers are: we believe Olympia Markets' own, as it does not specify.

We will now analyze the different resources and aids for traders that Olympia Markets provides on its website. We believe that the resources and help provided on the website can be a point in favor of the broker.

Olympia Markets website
Olympia Markets website

Olympia Markets provides the following help or resources to traders or interested parties: explanation about the products that Olympia Markets offers, explanation of some initial concepts of the world of trading, tutorials of initial concepts of the world of investments, glossary, frequently asked questions and doubts, some real time charts, economic calendar, dividend calendar, volatility table, really not much more than this ...

Olympia Markets and false advertising

Ads where Spanish newspapers and famous people are mentioned. Fake ads.
Ads where Spanish newspapers and famous people are mentioned. Fake ads.
The ad above leads to this page, Crypto Boom, which then leads to Olympia Markets.
The ad above leads to this page, Crypto Boom, which then leads to Olympia Markets.

According to different messages from Olympia Markets clients, the broker uses fraudulent advertisements like the one seen in the images, which finally invited them to invest with Olympia Markets. fake ads. The address of the advertisements, according to the client in Spain who sent us the captures and information is https://www.secure-trades.com/#/cryptoboom?aid=24&campaignkeyword=CryptoBoom&clickid=dhjvt61220n1lgkp18apq7es

Olympia Markets and thecryptosoft.co

Olympia Markets and thecryptosoft.co
CRYPTOSOFT ad targeting Olympia Markets, thecryptosoft.co

According to different messages from Olympia Markets clients, the broker uses fraudulent advertisements like the one seen in the images, which finally invited them to invest with Olympia Markets. fake ads. The address of the advertisements, according to the client in Spain who sent us the captures and information is https://thecryptosoft.co/es/members.php?adv_id=218&xparam=thecryptosoft.co%

Get your money back - we help you

Other information about Olympia Markets

Some more information in case you want to contact the company, or see its website for yourself.

Website: olympiamarkets.com/?lang=en Actualización: the website now appears to be olympiamarkets.co

Telephone: + 442039546382

Email: [email protected]

>>> Valuation on Olympia Markets <<

Ending with this section, in our opinion Do we think Olympia Markets company is trustworthy? Should you invest your money with the company?

The truth is that, we believe that it is better to be cautious because: it does not mention where it is based, it is an unregulated broker, it does not mention which company it belongs to, the CNMV (Spanish financial regulator) has issued a warning against Olympia Markets , when looking for other ratings on Olympia Markets mostly negative ratings.

Update September 2019: In addition to the negative features mentioned, Olympia Markets seems to have changed their website, and uses completely false advertisements to attract new customers.

October 2019 update: CNMV, Spanish regulator, has warned again about Olympia Markets, we suggest extreme caution.

Based on customer feedback, Olympia Markets appears to be connected to highly reputable brokers such as OlympiusGlobal, KontoFX, uprofx y ProuFX. We suggest extreme caution.

March 2020 update: according to customer feedback, the new brokers Confixfinancial y WDC Markets are also related to Olympia Markets.

For these reasons, we believe that Olympia Markets is not a recommended broker. In other words, we always recommend working only with duly regulated companies, isn't it better to have the protection of a good regulator? Is it worth the risk if there are much safer options to invest?

You have to understand that one of the few measures that really ensure the clients' money is the regulation of the broker, that is, it is probably the most important thing in any broker; THAT IT HAS A GOOD REGULATION, DO NOT BE FOOLED. Good regulation means that there is an authority to which, in case of misunderstandings or problems, customers can complain.

What is your opinion? Have you traded with this broker? Are you a customer? Do you think our opinion is not correct? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote, you can also leave a comment on our website with your experience if you are a client of the broker.
caution possible broker scam

We leave a vote open so that traders, clients and users of the broker can vote.

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About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

105 comments on «Olympia Markets: Rating and Comments»

  1. Maria Julia Serantes Sanchez Reply

    Hi, I'm Maria Julia. I was also scammed 22000 euros from all the savings of my 87-year-old mother. It was Christina Fellner who also disappeared for a few days and Álvaro appeared if they are their real names and having 36000 euros in one day left a negative balance and Álvaro He still asked me for 5000 euros to recover the appointment and I already told him no. They said they were caught but from what I see they continue to swindle mercilessly I hope that if they have a conscience they will wake up and return everything scammed and that divine justice falls on them. I am in a victims' association and we have lawyers but I think it is stopped. Best regards and like Antonio 🙏 I hope they arrest them all

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Maria Julia, thanks for commenting on Olympia Markets. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible from you with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money in the market, they just make it look and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  2. Nelson Martinez Reply

    Olympia Markets, they are shameless thieves, just deposit € 250, more than 2 years ago and nothing yet. I fell into that trap as a rookie and thank goodness they are only € 250, but they should not act with impunity

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Nelson, thanks for commenting on Olympia Markets. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  3. Jose Reply


    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Jose, Great !!!, Thank you very much for warning, we are very happy that you have achieved it, now be careful if you invest again, check the brokers before trusting one, here we have almost all of them.

      For others who want to get their money back, they should try talking to our chat or click on this link:

      If you want to see our ranking of the recommended brokers 2021 click HERE

      Greetings and good luck.

  4. Antonio Reply

    ANTONIO 04/10/2020
    Hello, my name is Antonio, I have already related here in detail how they scammed me, Miss Eliza Rose and the unpresentable Felipe Hidalgo, I have lost € 11.750 "for now" because they are reported in Spanish and foreign courts. It was all good words and great benefits, my account reached over € 25000, but everything started to crack when I started reading comments from many investors who treated them as scammers. So I tested to see if what people were saying on these pages was true and asked for a € 3000 refund. Immediately Miss Eliza Rose called me to tell me that she was going away from her residence for a while and that another colleague would take my investment. Then the biggest scammer I have ever met in my life appears, Mr. FELIPE HIDALGO, and he tells me that if I don't invest € 5000 more immediately, I will lose everything. Said and done, when I told him that I was mortgaged because of a loan that I requested with my mother for the last investment of € 10,000 and that I could no longer pay anything more: Then in a very cocky way he called me to tell me that Regardless of the consequences, said and done, in a few days my account was reset and it was canceled. Give them whatever name you want, for me they are the biggest scammers that I have encountered in my life, they have no scruples or empathy with any person and they don't give a damn that you can lose everything, you and yours. Pure slop, people who should be in jail paying for the damage they have done to many people who, like me, trusted them. DON'T FALL FOR THE SCAM! YOU'RE WARNED ! . I have all the recordings of the calls they made to me and how they deceived me, these are in the courts where I filed the corresponding lawsuits, that they get caught is only a matter of time, and I will be there to testify against them. Thank you.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hi Antonio, thank you for sharing your experience with Olympia Markets. If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  5. Ferran Ibars Reply

    They are shameless thieves, who after ordering the withdrawal of capital, they bail you out and two days after withdrawing the request for return of capital, they tell you that everything has been lost without giving further explanations
    deserve a public complaint by thieves and scammers

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Ferran, thank you for sharing your experience with Olympia Markets. If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you?


  6. olympia markets are thieves Reply

    Good morning, after countless calls from working people of you, and after having appointments and not calling me, I want to close my account and get my money back.
    The last call, I had an appointment with Mr. Cristian, and the second time he has me waiting for him to call me.
    Please!!! I want to close my account!!
    Kind regards.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Olympia Markets They Are Thieves, thank you for sharing your experience with Olympia Markets. If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have numbers, emails from which you have been contacted? PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE ONLY WRITTEN A REVIEW ON OLYMPIA MARKETS BUT WE ARE NOT PART OF THIS BROKER.


  7. Telerin Reply

    For all the scammers, if they made transfers to cover the deposits, they should only contact their bank indicating that they have been scammed (2 months maximum since the last transfer was made). Put pressure on the bank to contact the thieves' bank, so it will proceed to block funds in the account and return them. They can even provide the real name of the account beneficiary so that they can report a person and not a shell company.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Telerin, thank you for sharing your experience with Olympia Markets. If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have numbers, emails from which you have been contacted? Information of interest about a possible way to get the money back.


  8. Antonio Reply

    Good morning, my name is Antonio, I am a regular on this page stating my complaints, today I will be quite brief:
    Is it not surprising that no one responsible for this page, or directly alluded as is my case, Miss Eliza Rose and Mr. Felipe Hidalgo, come out here to show their faces and deny, with data, our claims? It is obvious if I were one of them and they were lying about me, I would go to court, as I have, and I would come out here to wash my image. Clearer WATER. Good Morning.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello again Antonio, thank you for your comments.


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