✔️ Information reviewed and updated in May 2024 by Pedro Martínez González

28Mex Comments
In this section we will analyze the broker 28Mex (also called by the name: 28mex.com), is a platform for mining and investments in Cryptocurrencies. Is 28Mex really recommended to make an investment? Or is it better not to invest with this company? ⛔ Is it a safe site? Is a gotcha? We will help you determine it. ✅

➡️ In this section you can find the following: opinions about 28Mex ✅, claims, complaints eexperiences , ananalysis 📊 of the most important characteristics of this company (updated 2022), and most importantly: Is it 28Mex ⚠️ a safe site? Can we trust this company? Will we be able to withdraw our money? All this and more in this review about this investment company.

Get your money back - we help you

Essential information: Who does it belong to? Where is located? Is it a regulated broker?

❌ 28Mex mentions being part of: no data on this.


❌ Regarding your location, the company mentions being based on: there is no data on this.


❌ If we analyze the regulation, do not mention nothing about being a company regulated or on its regulation.


ATTENTION: 28Mex is a company NOT REGULATED. ⛔


📌 RememberRegulated brokers are the best (and safest) option, as they must meet very strict requirements. Working with an unregulated broker is very risky. 📌


Account types | Investment platform


Now we go on to analyze the account types providing 28Mex, in this case, we did not find information that indicates the existence of different types of account.

La platform to operate that 28Mex offers is: own platform.


Resources | Website

We will now analyze the different resources and aids for traders that 28Mex provides on its website. We believe that the resources and help provided on the website can be a great point in favor of the broker.

Anicofinancial website
28Mex website

28Mex provides the following aids or resources to traders or interested parties: a little information about the products you offer, FAQ section, really not much more than this.



Get your money back - we help you


🌐 Other information about 28Mex 🌐


???? Some more information in case you want to contact the company, or see its website for yourself. ????

🌏 Website: 28mex.com | guess.red/index

📞 Telephone number: does not have.

📧 Email: It is necessary to register to contact.

You might be wondering why we reviewed 28Mex. We carry out this review and assessment, due to the fact that we receive different messages and comments asking about the reliability of the company in question. We like to think that our reviews page helps investors, providing key information about the company, we disclose information that every investor should know before deciding or not to invest with an investment company.

Are you a representative of this company? We recommend you leave a comment responding to customer concerns.

➡️ Rating on 28Mex ⬅️


Ending with this section, in our opinion Do we believe that the company 28Mex is trustworthy? Should you invest your money with the company? Are they a recommended company? ⭐2022 analysis


❌ After analyzing this company, we recommend that you exercise caution, since it is a shell company - "offshore" very little transparent, does not offer legal information, is not registered (or is registered in a tax haven) and also lacks regulation (unregulated company). ❌


(I.e. A pocas palabras: It doesn't seem like a good idea, we suggest using caution. 📛


⛔ Attention: ⛔ according to messages from 28Mex clients, 24Mex, is linked to 28Mex, in addition to the similar name and similar website design. WE SUGGEST EXTREME CAUTION ⛔


Our advice: We always recommend working only with properly regulated companies, isn't it better to have the protection of a good regulator? Is it worth the risk if there are much safer options to invest? Why invest with an unregulated or poorly regulated broker, when you can invest with a broker regulated by a serious regulator? 


📌 Don't forget: One of the few measures that assure clients' money is the regulation of the broker, that is, it is probably the most important characteristic of any broker; HAVE GOOD REGULATION. Good regulation means that there is an authority to which, in case of misunderstandings or problems, customers can complain. 📌

What is your opinion? Have you traded with this broker? Are you a customer? Do you think our opinion is not correct? We invite you to collaborate with us and vote, also leave a comment on our website with your experience with this broker.


🔻🔻 We leave a vote open so that traders, clients and broker users can vote. 🔻🔻


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About the Author: Pedro Martinez Gonzalez

I'll tell you a little about myself! I am a financial analyst and economist with a master's degree in finance.
About my studies: I studied at the University of Salamanca for a Degree in Economics and then did a Master's in Finance in Madrid.
Do you want more information? You can read more about me here in my biography.

42 comments on «28Mex: Rating and comments»

  1. Brian Reply

    Hello greetings my name is Brian. How is the okcoin company that is generating profits like 28mex. In the app it appears as okim. It claims to be registered as a base in Colombia

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Brian, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money in the market, they just make it look and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  2. Maureen smith Reply

    Good day i almost lost all my life saving to binary scam, I invested 75% of my hard earned money to invest with FAKE trading platform with the positive mindset of getting it multiplied and enjoying and secure better life. It was sweet and smooth from the start, withdrawals were easy and consistent until it gets to a point I started to be denied withdrawals and that was how I lost all money, I couldn't get my investment amount back not talk of the bonuses. I contacted several lawyers but it was all waste of time and money, they couldn't render an inch of help. God so good to my old self and family, I later met with a certified binary options recovery expert that helped me recover my money from the brokers and they don.t even charged anyfront fee before handling my case and i received the good new from them within days honestly it was worth it to pay they 20%. You can contact the expert HERE if you have found yourself in the same situation as me, I can assure he would be able to help you just as he helped me, you can give him a try if you don't mind.

    • Recommended-brokers.com Reply

      Hi Maureen Smith, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  3. Albert Reply

    The user names in the telegram group are @ Lvin23344 and @ USDT24688, to my contact an administrator from the other group who supposedly has nothing to do with the previous 28mex admins and that she lost all the money with 28mex and now someone She shared this new page and group, I asked her what her idea was, because I thought she was going to report them, but the surprise was that she told me that what she wanted to do was recover what was lost in the previous thing, and she explained to me step by step and what I had to do to get a new account on this new page, because you have to have a number with a US number, because if you do not join the telegram group, the address of the page is usdtoption .com, the username of that admin in telegram is Marah_lulu

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Albert, again, thanks for the help, tell us everything you know and we will publish it to put an end to these scammers. It is all manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex (now they call themselves 24Mex). This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE WILL HELP YOU


  4. Alberto Reply

    Good, I tell you that now 28MEX have a new page, and that they work with the Philippine schedule, the page is called usdtoption .com, incredibly they do the same, it is almost the same page, but now only people from the United States, if your The number is Latin, they take it out of the telegram group, in the telegram group it appears as USDOption-TEAM GROUP, help them spread the word so that if any authority can do something, since they are operating again.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Albert, thanks for the help, tell us everything you know and we will publish it to put an end to these scammers. It is all manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they have no regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex (now they call themselves 24Mex). This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  5. NNHA Reply



    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello NNHA, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex (now they call themselves 24Mex). This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  6. patricians Reply

    On August 31 was the last connection that was had with the platform. They purposely lost phase 8 (twice in a row in two days) at first they returned the silver and then the second they disappeared. On August 29, no one could make the withdrawals.
    Conclusion, they created the platform, gathered about 20 thousand people who invested, some had profits, others did not. they collected too much silver and disappeared.

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello patricians, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they have no regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex (now they call themselves 24Mex). This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  7. REYNAL Reply

    They are a TOTAL scam and today they TOOK the silver of all Latin America and they left take into account that they will go all over the world scamming PEOPLE their application is the same they only change the name THERE WERE SEVERAL NAMES THAT ARE VERY AN66 and much more is the same system only change the name

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello REYNAL, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  8. Efrain gonzalez Reply

    They are a fraud, scammers, rats, the worst, you have to find their offices and I will visit them with some friends ...

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hi Efrain, that's right, everything is manipulated to steal your money, it's all LIE, they don't have any regulation, it's a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


  9. Paul Reply

    28mex has stolen my savings, I can never forgive myself for being such a fool and falling into their traps

    • Recommended Brokers Reply

      Hello Paul, it is all manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they have no regulation, it is a FRAUD, thanks for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, the money is not put on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

      If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

      If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

      Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

      To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


      • Recommended Brokers

        Hello Evelyn, your workers are half illiterate and everything is manipulated to steal your money, it is all LIE, they do not have any regulation, it is a FRAUD, thank you for commenting on 28Mex. This broker is a SCAM. Do not send them money, they want to get as much money as possible with lies, the operations are not real, they do not put the money on the market, they only show it and in the end they tell you that you have lost and they keep it.

        If to withdraw your money they ask you for more to pay taxes, fees, legalizations, etc. Do not do it! It is a clear sign that they want to steal your money and they will not return anything even if you pay.

        If you have more information about the company, we ask you to share it with us, especially if it is information that you think can help other people investing with this company.

        Do you have names of advisers, numbers, emails from which they have contacted you? Do you remember how you found this broker in the first place?

        To get your money back, try our chat or this link: CLAIM YOUR MONEY, WE HELP YOU


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